Feed Grade

Wheat Bran
Coarse or Fine Grind Bran is made from the highest quality Soft Red Winter wheat. Bran is an All-Natural source of fiber that can be used in rations for Pet Foods and other rations in livestock feeds.

Wheat Midds
Midds, or wheat middlings, are a low cost source of energy for the livestock industry. Siemer midds are made from high quality Soft Red Winter wheat.

Wheat Reddog
Made from Soft Red Winter wheat, reddog is used as a binder for pellets or nuggets in Pet Food, Horse Feed, and other livestock feeds. Our Wheat Reddog is in the feed of Kentucky Derby Winners.
Does your product or plant require a custom blend? We can help. Contact us today about our Custom Solutions.
All of our feed grade products are available in the following sizes & configurations. Please contact us for more information or if you have custom delivery needs.

50lb Bags


Bulk Tankers